How Sana helped Ebury make learning fun, while streamlining and scaling its complex training efforts

Fabian Sanchis,《商业学习 & 开发经理@ Ebury

3 hours vs. 3 weeks
现在创造内容需要多长时间. old platform



Ebury发展迅速,目前在25个国家设有办事处. 但是有一个碎片化的学习技术堆栈, files in multiple places—and the variety of different regulations and cultural requirements in each market—it was impossible to scale the training efforts it was impossible to scale their required training programs.


Ebury现在有了一个加快内容创作的学习场所, 提高完成度和参与率, 帮助他们招募新员工, 甚至达到了培训时数的监管要求. Sana is a full end-to-end solution, and they’re finding new use cases every day.

“萨那改变了我们的整个学习方式. 我们需要一个强大的端到端平台,将我们所有的L&D activities. It started as a solution just for the front office, but is now used for the entire company.”


Ebury has been on an exciting growth journey for the last few years—expanding to 40 offices in 25 countries. That success has brought with it a unique set of challenges for our four-person Learning and Development team (L&D). 我们需要满足一长串的需求:监管培训, onboarding, 员工敬业度, communications, 一年12场现场演出. 有两个关键的挑战我们不知道如何解决.

第一个挑战是如何团结全球劳动力,700 people with the same processes and training while still being able to customize it to the cultural and regulatory differences in each market. 第二,我们处在一个受监管的行业, 这需要大量的合规和监管培训. 每个市场都有不同的规则.

在我们找到萨娜之前, we had a messy mix of Google calls; Drive folders; and learning materials, presentations, 过时的文件到处都是. All of these journeys were dependent on one human that knew what was happening in the department and where everything was. 我们使用教育平台进行合规培训. 但仅仅创建一两个内容就花了几周时间. 这是不可持续的.

We needed a powerful, end-to-end platform that would bring all of it together into one environment. 然后我们找到了sana,它改变了我们对L的看法&D. What started as a solution just for the front office sales department has become the learning platform for the entire company.


在我们选择萨那之前, I deep-dived into the world of learning tech and evaluated 27 other platform providers. 我有一个电子表格,上面有我的20项操作要求. 萨娜是唯一一个满足所有要求的人.

One of the biggest reasons I picked Sana was because it makes content creation so easy. 我们之前使用的LMS平台并不是为扩展而构建的, 对于像我们这样快速成长的公司来说, 这是不可能的. 它的内容编辑器过时了. 制作一个内容需要数周的时间, and I might have up to 50 pieces of content to create—multiplied by each department.

因为花了很长时间, we were delivering compliance training on UK regulatory requirements to everyone in the company. 但它与其他市场或业务领域无关. 我们只能凑合着用现有的东西.

Now we can harness our existing content to create new training programs. 如果我在PDF中有好的基线内容, Sana’s AI transforms it into an interactive course in just a few minutes. 它可以让我在一天内出版三门课程. 在旧的LMS中,这些课程需要花费我几周的时间. It took me almost one week just to figure out how to add a video to a course. 我把每件作品的制作时间从三周缩短到三小时.

“学习路径是我最大的用例. They empower managers to use learning as a tool to develop their team members.”


Sana helps us achieve more with less effort and time—and has transformed learning at Ebury. 学习者喜欢它,因为它直观、快速、美观. They save time and don’t feel they have to consume as much content as before. It’s also far more interactive, which creates engagement we’ve never seen before.

Sana平台托管着我们所有的L&D活动-监管和合规培训计划, onboarding, 角色的培训, 产品培训, 政策签署. And it allows us to offer a learning experience that builds confidence and motivation. We did the first launch of our regulatory courses in December and we had a 98% completion rate—compared with a 90% completion rate on the previous one.

我们也使用Sana Live, Sana的互动虚拟教室, 主持新员工的入职培训. It allows us to do in-person group learning with a big push—in one interactive platform.

The overwhelming feedback from the company is that completing compliance or regulatory training is a much better experience. 因为我们可以在内部构建所有的内容, 它是针对合适的人和部门量身定制的. With Sana, we have so many ways to automate and scale the learning process.


Ebury在超过25个国家受到监管, so there is a variety of compliance training and requirements we need to adhere to. 我们使用以前的平台进行合规培训, but managers couldn’t see whether their teams were completing the required training. They would only receive automated emails that someone had interacted with the training material, but not data on how much time they spent on it or whether they completed it.

Now with Sana, 管理者可以看到谁完成了这些课程, 并准确地记录在培训上花了多少时间. We can then provide the regulatory bodies with the data on our investment in learning. 作为一家受监管的企业,拥有这种可见性是至关重要的. And Sana is helping us meet a lot of our regulatory requirements for various countries.


我们最常用的功能之一是路径, 我们可以在哪里依次安排课程和内容, so it’s easy for learners to understand in which order they should consume the material. I use Paths often because it’s a slick way of bundling courses and content together. For example, 一位同事要求提供某一特定主题的培训视频, 花了五分钟为他创建并分配了一条路径.

Now we’re shifting the use case and using Paths to tailor learning for individuals, 所以他们可以发展一种特定的能力或技能. My biggest use case for the feature has become showing managers how to use Paths to boost performance and to use learning as a tool to develop their team members. 然后,管理人员就可以通过Insights获得这项工作的所有权, which allows them to create their own dashboards with the metrics that matter to them—like knowledge assessment scores and learner engagement. In the future, we also plan to track the impact of our learning initiatives on sales performance and customer satisfaction rates.

Transforming L&D有一个中心枢纽

我24小时都住在萨那. 萨那是我唯一能做的事. But now it’s time I spend joyfully because it makes my administrative life a lot easier, 帮助我用更少的时间实现更多的目标. 由于自动化和bwin足球平台,这也减少了工作量. 现在我每做一项新活动,我都在想:如何通过Sana来完成?

I’ve never worked with a tech provider that makes changes so quickly and is so receptive to feedback. 要么Sana接受我的反馈并立即采取行动, 或者题目已经解了,给我看了解. 有时候我一登录就迫不及待地想知道萨那有什么新鲜事.

未来,萨那将成为我们的学习中心. 与整个组织的所有参与, 凭借我们已经取得的成就, 我们正在实现创造无缝培训体验的愿景. And in the process, we’re transforming our approach to learning at Ebury.






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