How Sana is helping Ankorstore reach its ambitious vision to make learning a cornerstone of the employee experience

作者:Dora Postonjski, Ankorstore人力发展和体验项目经理


Faster to create an MVP onboarding course in Sana vs. old platform

1hour vs.1month

用Sana vs创建一个入职课程需要多长时间. the old platform


The fast-moving scale-up was stuck with an outdated platform initially chosen for sales enablement. 但他有一个横跨整个公司的雄心勃勃的学习计划, 我们的目标是为独立零售商提供更好的服务, 他们必须找到一个新的解决方案,以提振萎靡不振的用户粘性, 并提供更好的用户界面来吸引员工坚持培训.


Ankorstore now offers an engaging learning experience for everything from employee onboarding to upskilling, and performance development. With higher engagement and completion rates, 以及丰富的积极反馈——sana重塑了学习体验, 并正在帮助Ankorstore提供他们设想的员工体验.

“I still cannot believe how fast we can create content in Sana compared to our old tool. Before, it took up to three weeks to create a course—and a month for our onboarding courses. With Sana, it takes one hour.”


The number one priority for Ankorstore is delivering on our promise to our retailers. And learning plays a key role in that journey, 因为这不仅仅是标准的培训和技能提升. We are a wholesale marketplace for retailers, and we promise this smooth end-to-end experience—especially for independent retailers. So having a mindset where we’re aware of what’s happening in the market and the world—and an understanding of how that affects small retailers — is key to giving them the best experience possible.

与学习相关的第二个优先事项是鼓励内部适应性. We are a scale-up with 280 employees; we’re moving quickly, and everyone needs to be able to embrace change. Ours is not a typical “tick off the box” L&D program. 我们正在有意识地努力改变人们的思维方式, and how they approach their daily work—with the end goal of supporting the company's mission.

当我们选择之前的平台时,没有结构化的L&D offering at the time. 它只是为了销售支持,人们对它不满意. Content creation took a long time, it wasn’t engaging or interactive, the UI and visual design was outdated, and it was hard to pull the right data or reports. On top of that, you had to go through an academy in order to even learn how to use the tool. 它不符合我们的速度和适应性标准, 或者让我们以我们想要的方式扩展学习.

Sana was at the top of my list from day one because the company is so product- and customer-driven. They share our philosophy of learning overall, and that if you have a tool for learning, it needs to help. It shouldn’t slow us down, it shouldn’t make things harder, it shouldn’t cost a lot of money. 它应该能帮助我们更快更好地完成我们正在做的工作.

Sana is a platform that’s built for everyone, regardless of their level of experience, which was important because of how hard it was to increase engagement and use on our old platform. UI设计精美,用户体验无缝衔接. Anyone can open up Sana and start using it.

Reducing content creation time by 90%

A big priority when we switched platforms was increasing the speed of content creation, 让我们公司内部的专家更容易创建内容. We run a wide range of training, 从我们的基本人力资源流程和项目开始,比如经理培训, performance management, upskilling, and skill gap analysis. Plus, we do employee and customer experience onboarding, offboarding, and crossboarding when someone changes roles.

My first reflection with Sana was how quickly we were able to onboard our expert content creators in HR, sales, and customer experience. It took just a few short sessions, instead of the L&D团队花费大量时间教他们如何使用一个复杂的工具.

Then, when it comes to content creation, I still cannot believe how fast we can create content in Sana compared to our old tool. Before, it took the HR team up to three weeks to create a course—and a month for our onboarding courses. Now it takes one hour. 这同样适用于创建实时的协作会议. If I’m planning a retrospective workshop, it only takes me about 10 minutes to create and schedule a great experience that’s interactive.

We use Sana’s AI editing features to make content creation easier and help us come up with new ideas. For example, 如果我们有一些相关的现有材料,但有点静态, we can just upload the file, Sana会自动把它变成一个美丽的互动课程. The AI that’s embedded in the platform also helps us for brainstorming and getting unstuck. 有时你会遇到内容创造者障碍,你很难想出想法. But with Sana, the AI helps you. It’s not there to do everything for you, but it guides you forward or simply gets you moving.

For someone with a specialist L&D后台,我的脑子里一直在想:我能多快把内容做好? How fast can I make it available to the end user? Can I make it bite-sized? Can I make it fun and interactive? Can I blend it with a workshop? Can I create a personalized learning path for just a few people instead of the whole organization? It’s almost like playing with clay. With Sana, I can play and experiment with the experience, 而不是只能够按规定做几件事.

“Having a tool that’s interactive, encouraging participation, and allowing learners to tailor their experience to their knowledge level allows us to offer a much better employee experience.”


The HR team are the gurus when it comes to Sana; the preachers. One of the reasons the team loves it so much is because we save a lot of time compared to before. Take the onboarding process for new hires. We have new people joining Ankorstore every week, and we don’t have set onboarding dates. Now we can automate the onboarding process by setting up a trigger once we know their start date, 因此,入职课程是在他们第一天开始的. Before the process was entirely manual.

Another time-saver has to do with the statistics and data we get from Sana on learning across the organization. Now in just a few clicks, 我可以快速查看高级数据或更深入地了解一个团队或一位经理. 我可以沿着数据管道走下去而不会迷路, 并截图一个漂亮的演示数据插图. If I need to compile a report, 很容易利用数据得到我需要的答案, and download it without bugs or glitches—which we dealt with before on our old platform.

We also like using Sana’s universal search function to find anything our company has documented. bwin足球平台会立即找到不只是关于萨那的文件, but public documents on Google Drive, and on our internal Wikipedia. 我们过去常常浪费大量的时间来寻找和共享文档, 现在只需几秒钟就能找到正确的信息.

Raising the onboarding completion rate to 100%

Sana最大的用例之一是员工入职, and onboarding for the customer experience team. 我们过去很难让新员工完成我们的入职培训项目, 部分原因是我们旧平台的设计过时了.

现在我们得到了非常积极的反馈——我们的完成率是100%. At first, I was shocked. I’ve never seen a completion rate that high. 我们的人力合作伙伴也从员工那里得到了很多定性的反馈, 谁会放松他们,告诉他们这是一次多么棒的经历. 通过这种工具进行入职确实令人耳目一新.

We’ve also started to blend in live group sessions to the onboarding program—especially when we educate them about our retailers and brands. Sana的内置虚拟教室有很多互动功能, which allows us to give our people an engaging way to understand why we’re here and what our purpose is—regardless of their role.

We have a lot of employees who are joining remotely, 通过萨那的入职体验要好得多. Before they would sit by themselves and click through a platform that wasn’t engaging them. Having a tool that’s interactive, encouraging participation, and allowing them to tailor their experience to their knowledge level allows us to offer a much better employee experience. 不仅是刚入职的时候,而且是长期的.

“Using Sana gives us the flexibility to create training that’s digestible for different types of learning styles. Other platforms only cater to one learner profile. But we all learn in different ways.”


Sana的虚拟教室比正规培训有用得多. It’s brilliant for running team workshops. It helps me engage the audience, 为更内向的人提供一种积极参与的方式. 他们可以回复一个聊天线程,或者回答一个投票来登记和退出. We also use the reflection cards, 人们可以实时响应提示——比如“完成这个句子?.“他们可以匿名或使用真名参与, 甚至通过添加表情符号来表达对彼此反思的支持.

L&D recently held workshops to educate the staff on changes we’re making to the reward process at Ankorstore. 我们收到的反馈是,这是他们参加过的最好的现场研讨会. 我们在绩效管理回顾中也有同样的经历. 与会者表示,在研讨会上更容易集中注意力, 事后能看到录音很有帮助.

Using Sana gives us the flexibility to create training that’s digestible for different types of learning preferences. Other platforms only cater to one way of learning that has become standardized within the industry. But we all have different ways we like to learn. I have ADHD, for example. Keeping my attention focused is tiring for me. But the interactivity that’s embedded in Sana’s platform gets me hooked, and keeps me engaged. 在一天结束的时候,这就是这些工具的真正目的. 你想要接触到更广泛的受众,你可以通过Sana做到这一点.


Everything we do—from the onboarding, live workshops, performance development, and upskilling—is so much faster, more streamlined, and more engaging now. 我们终于有了一个与我们移动速度相匹配的解决方案, and the speed our industry is moving at.

When you work in tech, things change so rapidly. The priority of learning at Ankorstore is about teaching and nurturing that mindset of adaptability. 有了Sana,我们就有了一个工具,可以让我们有意识地练习这项技能. We can offer an interactive learning experience that engages and educates our people in the ways that matter most to us. 因此,我们可以提供更好的员工体验.

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Paris, France



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